
Solving sleep problems and ADHD

Have you noticed that your child with ADHD has trouble with sleeping? Sleep disturbances caused by ADHD have been overlooked for several reasons, including the late age of onset. There is a well established scientific link between ADHD and sleep disturbances. Older children with ADHD rarely fall asleep quickly, sleep soundly through the night, and wake up feeling refreshed. But, as with most of our knowledge about ADHD in adults, we’re only beginning to understand the more vital link between ADHD and sleep, which creates difficulties:

  • Falling asleep
  • Staying asleep
  • Waking up

On average, sleep disturbances associated with ADHD generally appear later in life, at around age 12. Sleeping problems are often overlooked and attributed to coexisting ADHD problems and incorrectly using stimulant medication to treat ADHD.

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ADHD holiday survival guide.
The holidays are hectic. And if your child has ADHD, it can create extra challenges. Here are some tips to make the season easier to manage.
You don’t have to accept every invitation you get. If your child gets antsy or overexcited, just go to the most important events. The family gathering at Grandma’s house might be a must. But maybe you (or your child) can skip the party at your neighbour’s house. You could also stick with smaller or more active events with a few friends.
1. Don’t stop the medication
2 Select some NOT all holiday events.
3 Head-up before events
4 House rules apply
5 Give feedback frequently
6 Chill time and space.
7 Bag of “tricks” on standby
8 Give jobs to do.
9 Shopping and planning
10 ”Pad kos” “nutrition boosts
11 Rewards are small and immediate.
12 Attention to the good things.
I have created a video discussing my thoughts on the above 12 essential tips.
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The Paediatric Assessment. How to get a professional assessment for school and behavioural concerns.

How Do You Diagnose ADHD?

There’s no single, definitive diagnostic test for attention deficit disorder (ADHD or ADD) — no blood analysis, no brain scan, no genetic screening. An ADHD diagnosis is not a quick or simple task. On top of that, doctors vary in their abilities to diagnose and treat the disorder, so it’s easy to go down blind alleys before getting the proper evaluation and prognosis. The good news: if you approach the ADHD diagnosis step by step, you can avoid some common pitfalls — and control ADHD symptoms more smoothly with fewer frustrations along the way.

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