
ADHD Strategies Every Teacher Should Know

Learning Is a Collaboration
Success in the classroom is a two-way street. To learn, students must be prepared and motivated for class. But teachers have to prepare as well. Understanding a child’s unique challenges will help teachers and students become a winning team. Here are valuable strategies for kids with ADHD to help teachers know how students with ADHD learn best.

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Could It Be A Learning Disability?

An ADHD diagnosis isn’t always the answer. Learn how certain red flags, like an inability to communicate or remember facts, might mean your child is struggling with a learning disability.

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Learning disabilities (The Basics)

Patient education: Learning disabilities (The Basics)   What are learning disabilities?Learning disabilities are problems that cause a child to have trouble learning. For example, a

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What is dyslexia?Dyslexia is a problem that makes it hard for a child to learn to read. Dyslexia has nothing to do with how smart a child is. Children with dyslexia can be just as smart as or smarter than other children their age. But they have brain differences that affect the way they process written words. They have trouble understanding the connection between letters (or groups of letters) and sounds.

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Teachers and ADHD

Be That Teacher Who Breaks Through Students with ADHD learn differently. This presents a challenge and an opportunity — for more visual, collaborative, interactive, positive

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On-Demand Parenting Webinars

On-Demand Parenting Webinars If your child has ADHD, you know that standard parenting strategies don’t always work. Listen to these expert webinars to learn ADD-tested

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Learning Disabilities

Personalized Learning and Students with Disabilities Educators, parents, and others have struggled for decades to find the best ways to teach and support students with

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The Secret to No-Shout, No-Tears Discipline Spanking and yelling don’t help kids with ADHD learn better behavior — in fact, harsh punishment can lead them

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